Luke Chapter 22 Summary

Judas covenants to betray Jesus. Last passover. Lord's supper instituted. Peter's denial predicted. Jesus' arrest. Peter's denial.

Discussion Questions for Luke, Chapter 22

  1. Reflecting on the Last Supper, what significance do you see in Jesus’ institution of the Eucharist (Communion)? How does this sacrament continue to impact the Christian faith today?
  2. Why do you think Judas betrayed Jesus, and what can we learn from his actions about the nature of betrayal and loyalty?
  3. Peter famously denies Jesus three times. How do you interpret Peter’s actions, and what lessons can we draw from his story about human weakness and the need for forgiveness?
  4. Jesus prays fervently in the Garden of Gethsemane, asking God to take the cup of suffering from him, yet submitting to God's will. How does Jesus’ prayer model for us the importance of surrendering to God's plan, even in times of great distress?
  5. What emotions do you think Jesus experienced during his arrest? How can we relate to Jesus in moments of betrayal or injustice in our own lives?
  6. Reflecting on Jesus’ trial before the Jewish council, what do you think about the nature of justice and fairness? How does this narrative challenge our understanding of power and authority?
  7. Pilate plays a significant role in Jesus’ trial and eventual crucifixion. How do you interpret Pilate’s actions, and what do they reveal about human nature and moral responsibility?
  8. Jesus’ crucifixion is a central event in Christianity. How does the narrative of Jesus’ crucifixion challenge or deepen your understanding of God’s love and redemption?
  9. How do you imagine the disciples felt and responded during Jesus’ arrest and crucifixion? How might their experiences resonate with our own struggles and doubts as followers of Christ?
  10. Jesus says in Luke 22:41, “Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done.” How does this fit with your idea of Jesus's willingness to sacrifice Himself for us? Define in your own words Jesus's motivation to go to the cross to sacrifice Himself.

Key Words/Phrase

Jesus' last night, v. 1.


Jesus, priests, scribes, disciples, Judas, Peter, Satan, captains, maid.

Strong Verse(s)

19, 20, 42.