Luke Chapter 10 Summary
The 70 sent out. Jesus denounces judgment on cities. Parable of the good Samaritan. Martha and Mary entertain Jesus.
Discussion Questions for Luke, Chapter 10
- What are the implications of Jesus’ statement that “the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few” for our modern understanding of sharing faith? How does it affect your decisions to share the gospel?
- In what ways does Jesus’ statement that the “little children” in Luke 10:21 understand things hidden from the wise and learned challenge our understanding of faith and wisdom? Describe a time when your education and/or experience made a time more difficult than it should. How much do you believe fear and anxiety affect our daily walk with Christ?
- After reading the parable of The Good Samaritan beginning in Luke 10:30, what are the barriers in our society today that might prevent us from showing compassion to those in need, and how can we overcome them?
- After reading about Mary and Martha in Luke 10:38–42, in our busy lives, how do we ensure that we don’t neglect spiritual nourishment while engaging in our daily tasks?
- When we come across someone in need, how many times are we the Good Samaritan and willing to help? How many times are we the innkeeper willing to take the Samaritan’s word and continue to take care of the person after the Samaritan leaves? Why are people leery of helping someone in need?
- The fear that the priest and Levite had to helping the man in need of it being a trap and robbers were waiting to rob them also is similar to the fears we have in society today to help someone. Why do people always consider the present to be worse than the past and people of another time are not able to relate to present society?
- What are some practical ways we can authentically live out the command to love our neighbors as ourselves and fulfill the Great Commandment found in Luke 10:27?
- When Christ sends out the 72 disciples, He tells them to go “like lambs among wolves.” (v 3). How does this instruction apply to our lives today? Can you think of modern scenarios where this advice might be relevant?
- Jesus gives a prayer of thanksgiving in Luke 10:21-24. How might Jesus’ example of gratitude and communion with the Father help us navigate challenges and difficulties in our own lives?
- As Jesus gives direction to the 72 disciples before sending them out, He gives a list of “woes” to those that reject them. He says, “The one who hears you hears me, and the one who rejects you rejects me, and the one who rejects me rejects him who sent me.” (Luke 10:16) How does this teaching about rejection when we witness for Jesus affect our witnessing to others about Jesus? What are some reasons that we do not witness to others? Why?
Key Words/Phrase
Service, vv. 1, 30, 38.
Jesus, 70 witnesses, Satan, lawyer, Martha, Mary.
Strong Verse(s)
2, 20, 21.