Leviticus - Chapter-5

Chapter Summary

Trespass offering laws.

Discussion Questions for Leviticus, Chapter 5

  1. Leviticus 5 becomes more specific in the types of sin that are done unknowingly. Leviticus 5:1 says if you know of something being done that is wrong and do not speak, you will bear the iniquity. How does this align with our concept of right and wrong in our society?
  2. Leviticus 5:2 begins a list about coming in touch with various unclean animals and people and it being a sin. Define what is unclean about a human being and how can we share the gospel with an unclean person in today's society? How has this changed since the time of the law of Leviticus?
  3. Leviticus 5:4 mentions hearing a rash oath and giving an offering for forgiveness. What do you think is a rash oath? Why would you need to offer a sacrifice of forgiveness for it?
  4. Leviticus 5:7 and 5:11 mentions being able to give an alternate offering if not able to afford to give another. What do you think God is seeking from the offender? Is the offering important to God in forgiveness of sins? Why or why not?
  5. Multiple times in Leviticus 5 a person has to acknowledge a sin when a sin occurs unknowingly. Why is this act considered to be a sin when a person at first doesn't realize it happened?
  6. How do the statutes in Leviticus 5 contribute to religious life within Israeli community? Today's society seems focused on individual rights and freedom to worship they way they desire. How would our current generation react to the rigid statues given in Leviticus 5 and other chapters in Leviticus? How much freedom does God grant in our worship of Him?
  7. The children of Israel are traveling in the wilderness and the temple consists of tents to be moved. How do directions concerning the sacrifices in Leviticus 5 hinder or help the nomadic elements of the Israeli community?
  8. Why does God require the sacrifice of unblemished animals in Leviticus 5 and other chapters in Leviticus? How would today's society react to this animal sacrifice? If the sacrificial law was still in effect today, how would it affect the church?
  9. In what ways might the practice of bringing offerings for unintentional sins, as outlined in Leviticus 5, foster a greater sense of mindfulness and intentionality in our actions?
  10. How can we apply the idea of confession and repentance found Leviticus 5 be applied to our walk as a believer in Christ today?

Key Words/Phrase

Trespass offering, v. 6.


God, Moses.

Strong Verse(s)

17, 18.