Leviticus - Chapter-25

Chapter Summary

Laws of the land. Sabbatic year and year of Jubilee.

Discussion Questions for Leviticus, Chapter 25

  1. Why did God establish the year of Jubilee? Describe in your own words what the year of Jubilee would have looked like and meant to the Israelites.
  2. In what ways did the year of Jubilee proclaim freedom? What kind of proclamation was it?
  3. How do you think people today would respond to a year of Jubilee? How would it impact people?
  4. What does this chapter teach us about the treatment of the poor? Why is this topic regularly talked about in Scripture?
  5. How does this chapter shape the way you understand God's ownership over all things?
  6. How do you think the people thought about the year of Jubilee? Do you think everyone anticipated it with joy or did some fear it's coming? Why would some fear it? How did God ease these fears?
  7. Did the Israelites deserve to have a time of Sabbath and Jubilee? What does this reveal about God's character? How have you seen God's provision and rest in your life? How are you seeing it today?
  8. What are the key themes you see in this chapter? How do they compare to the themes you have seen in previous chapters?
  9. What elements from the Jubilee do you desire for your personal life? How do you cling to the heart of the Jubilee today in Jesus?
  10. What was the significance of the different numbers regrading the Jubilee and Sabbath? Why do you think these were established after being instructed on the Feasts?

Key Words/Phrase

Sabbatic year, v. 4.


God. Moses.

Strong Verse(s)

18, 19, 35, 36, 37.