Leviticus Chapter 23 Summary

The feasts of Jehovah.

Discussion Questions for Leviticus, Chapter 23

  1. What did the seven feasts of the Lord represent in this chapter?
  2. What different things in this chapter were considered to be a “holy convocation” (ESV)? How did they differ, and how were they similar?
  3. What did you learn about the Sabbath in this chapter? Does the Sabbath apply to our lives today? Explain your response.
  4. What would the Israelites have remembered when they partook in the Passover? What do you think of today when you consider the Passover? How does this help you understand the purpose of the Passover?
  5. Why did the bread need to be unleavened? What spiritual significance did this have? (vv. 6-8)
  6. Verses 9-14 share about the third feast: Firstfruits. What themes do you see in this feast? What would you consider to be your firstfruits?
  7. Why was one not to reap all of their field? (v. 22) What is the heart behind this? What images come to mind? How would you describe your response with a scene?
  8. What significance did trumpets have in that day? Are there other times in Scripture when you see a trumpet serving a similar purpose?
  9. Describe “Atonement” in your own words.
  10. What was the prophetic significance of the feasts? What different themes do you see throughout the feasts?

Key Words/Phrase

Feasts, v. 2.


God, Moses.

Strong Verse(s)

3, 22.