Leviticus Chapter 22 Summary

Separation of the priests; perfection of the sacrifices.

Discussion Questions for Leviticus, Chapter 22

  1. “Speak to Aaron and his sons so that they abstain from the holy things of the people of Israel, which they dedicate to me, so that they do not profane my holy name: I am the LORD.” (Leviticus 22:2, ESV) What are the holy things? Why do the people need to abstain from them?
  2. Why would a person be cut off if they were unclean? How could they become clean? What kind of emotions do you associate with both being cut off and being made clean again? How do those emotions parallel with how you feel about the cross and salvation?
  3. Disobeying the ritual purity laws was a sin, but was there a difference between being sinfully impure and ritually impure? Why would this distinction matter?
  4. Why was ritual purity so important? How do you think this would have impacted the way they saw God?
  5. How do you view the ritual purity laws? Do you see them as oppressive or as a way for people to acknowledge God's holiness? Which laws do you understand, and which do you have a difficult time with?
  6. Why do you think cleanness would come once the sun went down? What did sunset mean to the people? What deeper meaning would this communicate to them?
  7. What would happen if a priest did not follow his ceremonial duties? Explain why.
  8. Why could only the priest and his household eat the offerings? (vv. 10-13)
  9. Where do you see restoration in verses 14-16? What did it mean for the Lord Himself to sanctify?
  10. Why was a sacrifice to be made without blemish? How does this impact the way you understand Jesus and the cross?

Key Words/Phrase

Separate, v. 2.


God, Moses, Aaron and sons.

Strong Verse(s)

3, 31, 32.