Leviticus Chapter 20 Summary
Further laws on relationship and walk of God's people.
Discussion Questions for Leviticus, Chapter 20
- In verses 1-3, why do you think God has such a strong reaction against child sacrifice? What do we learn about what is important to Him?
- How would you answer someone who says that verses 1-3 contradict the story in Genesis 20?
- How would you answer someone who says that verses 1-3 are in conflict with what happened to Egypt's children at Passover, or the command to devote Israel's firstborns?
- Why does God say that child sacrifice affects Him and His sanctuary? How do believers' actions today affect God's name?
- Why would the command in verse 6 be given? What should someone do instead when they want divine insight?
- Reflect back on earlier chapters of Leviticus where holiness was described as a quality of priests and the sacrifices they offer. How is the holiness in this chapter different? What does it mean for us that Leviticus 20 applies holiness to all people and not just priests?
- What are the consequences of the sexual sins listed in verses 10-21? What can we learn from the severity of the punishment? Why are all participants punished?
- How could a believer today apply verse 23 and try to act more in accordance with God's views than those of the surrounding nations?
- Verse 27 sounds striking to us today. What does this teach us about the severity of sin? How would you explain the verse to someone who feels uncomfortable about it?
- Why does God say He detests certain nations in verse 23? How does this fit with God's love?
Key Words/Phrase
Separated, v. 24.
God, Moses.
Strong Verse(s)