Leviticus - Chapter-18

Chapter Summary

Relationship and walk of God's people.

Discussion Questions for Leviticus, Chapter 18

  1. Why is it so important in verse 3 that Israel be different from other nations? What do we know about Egypt and Canaan elsewhere in the Bible that can help us answer this?
  2. Why does God care so much about sexual purity in this passage? Which of these laws agree with modern laws and which would conflict with popular culture?
  3. Why do you think the law in verse 22 is given? How would you explain the verse to someone who cites this verse as a reason to not be a Christian?
  4. How would you describe the function of verse 5 in the chapter's context? How would you describe Paul's citation of this verse in Romans 10:5? Is he using it in a similar or different context?
  5. Look back at the end of the stories of Noah and Lot in Genesis. What laws from Leviticus 18 are broken in those stories and how do the stories give us a greater appreciation for Leviticus 18?
  6. What is the relationship between the commands and the fact that the Lord is Israel's God? What commands are entailed for us with the confession that Christ is our Lord?
  7. Why do you think the metaphorical language of purity is used to describe sexual sin? What do we learn about the importance of morality in our own lives?
  8. Do you think some or all of these laws are binding on believers today? Why or why not?
  9. How would child sacrifice mentioned in verse 21 affect God's reputation among nonbelievers? Are there other similar things in our own day that could have the same effect?
  10. How would you explain this passage and why it is in the Bible to someone who is a nonbeliever and is confused or troubled by it?

Key Words/Phrase

Abominations, v. 26.


God, Moses.

Strong Verse(s)

3, 4, 5, 24, 26, 30.