Leviticus - Chapter-17

Chapter Summary

The place of sacrifice and the sanctity of the blood.

Discussion Questions for Leviticus, Chapter 17

  1. What lesson would Israel have learned from only eating meat as part of a sacrifice at the tent of meeting? What lesson might we glean for today?
  2. What does verse 7 tell us about Israel's troubled past? Is this normal or different from how we normally picture Israel in this period? Why?
  3. What is the symbolism of blood in verse 14? Does this have any relevance for Christians today? Why or why not?
  4. Do the consequences of disobedience in verse 14 strike you as severe? Why or why not? What do we learn about obedience?
  5. Why would failing to obey the purity laws in verse 16 lead to iniquity? What lesson does this have for us today?
  6. How does this chapter's view of food contrast with the individualism of our culture? Is one view more right than the other or are they simply different? Explain.
  7. Why would God be pleased by the smell of the sacrifice in verse 6? How can believers make sacrifices that please God today?
  8. What do we learn about God's ownership and lordship over everything from this passage?
  9. How do we see God's concern that the priests are provided for with food in this passage? What does this show us about God's care for his people?
  10. What is the point of having foreigners abide by the same commands in verses 8-9? Why would this have been important to the community?

Key Words/Phrase

Blood, v. 11.


God, Moses, Aaron.

Strong Verse(s)