Leviticus - Chapter-15

Chapter Summary

Imperative personal cleanliness.

Discussion Questions for Leviticus, Chapter 15

  1. Does it surprise you that this Biblical chapter deals with the topics it does? Why or why not? How does this chapter differ with what most people think the Bible is like?
  2. What settings would this chapter be appropriate for? Would this be an appropriate text for different contexts like a sermon, a children's Bible study? Why or why not?
  3. Describe how this chapter talks about the spread of uncleanness. What does the author want us to learn from this?
  4. How does this chapter's view of literal uncleanness teach us about the nature of sin and moral uncleanness? What application does this have for our lives today?
  5. Describe how certain aspects of the body are portrayed negatively. Is it a moral issue or something else? Explain why and give a reason that the author would be concerned with this.
  6. Do you think the aspects of the human body described in this passage were in the world before sin, or are they a result of sin?
  7. What are our cultures views of cleanliness and hygiene? How are they similar or different to those in this passage?
  8. What does it teach us about God that people must be physically clean in his presence?
  9. What areas of life today require extra cleanliness from people? How is this similar or different from the way God's house has extra cleanliness requirements?
  10. How does verse 31 show us the severity of following these commands? What does this teach us about the severity of sin?

Key Words/Phrase

Unclean, v. 2.


God, Moses. Aaron.

Strong Verse(s)

30, 31.