Leviticus - Chapter-14

Chapter Summary

Laws concerning cleansing of lepers.

Discussion Questions for Leviticus, Chapter 14

  1. Why do you think someone would have to be declared clean by the priest after they are already healed?
  2. How does the offering of sacrifices to God after a healing show us God's providential working?
  3. Based on what we read about blood elsewhere in Leviticus, what do you think is the religious significance of the sprinkling of blood in verse 6?
  4. Verse 20 describes the making of atonement. How does this show us a concern for spiritual healing and not just physical healing? What can we learn from this today?
  5. What do we learn about God from verses 21-22? How can we have this same compassion in making provision for the poor?
  6. Are there other ways we see God accomodating to people's circumstances as in verse 21-22?
  7. Does verse 34 bother you? Why or why not? Why would the author include this and what do you think they meant by it?
  8. Have you or someone you know experienced a drastic healing? What spiritual effect did this have?
  9. Do you think there are any parallels between the spread of disease in this passage and the spread of sin? What are they?
  10. Verse 57 describes the purpose of the chapter. What is it and why does Israel need to learn this? What can we learn from it today?

Key Words/Phrase

Cleansing, v. 2.


God, Moses.

Strong Verse(s)