Leviticus - Chapter-11

Chapter Summary

The proper food for God's people defined.

Discussion Questions for Leviticus, Chapter 11

  1. Read Genesis 1:20-25 and note the four types of animals (sea creatures, bird, livestock, crawling creatures). Notice how these same groups are mentioned in Leviticus 11. Why do you think the author would remind listeners of the categories at creation? What do both passages teach us about how order is important to God?
  2. How does the surprising specificity of this passage show us how important ceremonial holiness is even in ordinary life?
  3. The passage commands against even touching unclean animals. Do you normally see ceremonial purity and holiness as contagious? What is the significance of seeing them as contagious?
  4. Verse 10 describes unclean animals that are ceremonially unclean as detestable. What can this teach us about the importance of seeing moral uncleanness as detestable as well?
  5. Verse 47 teaches the importance of making distinctions with reference to purity. Do we value these distinctions today? How can we value them more?
  6. What animals are unacceptable to eat in our culture and why? Does this differ in other countries? Why do you think Leviticus might have a different list of animals?
  7. What does it look like to be holy as God is holy in our own lives (verse 45)?
  8. How does this chapter show us the way religion affected every part of life? What lesson does this have for us today?
  9. Do we see eating as a religious activity today? Why or why not? Should we see it this way?
  10. Read the story in Acts 10. How does this reference and transform Leviticus 11? What does it teach us about unity in Christ even across racial boundaries?

Key Words/Phrase

Eating, v. 2.


God, Moses.

Strong Verse(s)