Lamentations Chapter 1 Summary
Jeremiah's first complaint of the calamities of Judah. Appeal to God for deliverance.
Discussion Questions for Lamentations, Chapter 1
- How is this chapter structured? Can you explore the reasons why each section is a letter of the Hebrew alphabet in acrostic form? Why do you think God structured it like this? In what ways do you see the evidence of God's structure in your own life?
- Who is the author of Lamentations? Why is knowing the author important? How can we better understand the motivation and context of this chapter when we know the background? In the same way, why is it important for you to seek out the details of God's Word?
- Why does Jeremiah describe Israel like a widow in verse 7? How would a widow feel in the midst of suffering and loss? How does this resemble vulnerability? What are some ways that you have experienced loneliness and loss in your life?
- Why does God allow the Israelites to suffer “because of her many transgressions” (HCSB)? How does this teach them about God's holy character? What are some ways that God allowed you to suffer because of your sin, and what did you learn from that experience?
- Why have those that once honored (HCSB) Israel now scorn (HCSB) her? What does this teach us about the fleeting nature of human relationships and interactions? When was a time in which you experienced the loss of approval of another person?
- How does the element of “shame” appear in this chapter? How do phrases like “nakedness” (HCSB) and “laughing over” (HCSB) Israel's downfall contribute to the humiliation and worsening of Israel's situation? In what situations have you experienced the shame of being laughed at or humiliated because of something bad that has happened to you?
- Why is it important to know that even the “priests and elders” (HCSB) in verse 19 died because of God's judgment? What does this say about sin and unrighteousness within religious leadership? In what ways have you seen or experienced religious or spiritual leadership doing sinful or wicked things? How did those experiences impact you?
- Why does Jeremiah specifically refer to Israel's “homelessness” (HCSB)? What is the significance of this phrase? What does it mean for you to have a “spiritual” home?
- How many times can you find the phrase “no one to comfort” (HCSB) throughout this chapter? How does this relate to Israel's coming judgment and destruction? What is a time in which you felt as if there was “no one to comfort” you, and how did that impact the way that you viewed God?
- What kinds of human suffering do you see in this chapter? Are there any elements of hope that you can find? What does this chapter teach you about the reality of hope and faith in the midst of suffering?
Key Words/Phrase
Comforters, vv. 2, 17, 21.
God, Jeremiah.
Strong Verse(s)
18 (b).