Judges Chapter 7 Summary
Gideon's three hundred and the victory over Midian and Amalek.
Discussion Questions for Judges, Chapter 7
- Why does God have such a seemingly strange military strategy in verses 2–3? What is the chapter teaching us, and how does it relate to our own walk with God?
- Are there ways that we try to save ourselves through our own power when God is wanting to work miraculously? How can we combat this?
- What is the truth that the miracle in this chapter is pointing us to? Why do miracles happen in general?
- How did Gideon and his men have to show faith in God in this chapter? What are some areas of our life where we are called to do the same?
- Where in this story do we see God’s provision? How can we learn to trust him more based on knowing that he provides?
- How do we see God testing his people in this chapter? Does God still do this today?
- Why might God have used Gideon to win the battle when he could have simply won it without him? Why might God want to work through the church today?
- How do we see Gideon and his men follow God’s word down to the detail? What are some ways that we need to do the same in our own lives?
- How do we see God’s judgement on Israel’s oppressors in this chapter? What does this teach us about God?
- What are some other biblical passages where oppressors are punished? How might this serve as a warning for us today?
Key Words/Phrase
Victory, v. 15.
God, Gideon, Phurah, Oreb, Zeeb.
Strong Verse(s)
2, 7.