Judges Chapter 5 Summary

Song of Deborah and Barak.

Discussion Questions for Judges, Chapter 5

  1. Why might this chapter repeat the events of chapter 4 in poetry? What are some other similarities and differences between the chapters?
  2. What is the importance of leaders in this chapter to bring about victory? How might this speak to the importance of leaders today?
  3. Describe the theme of willingness in this chapter? How is this theme also seen in chapter 4? How does this speak to the importance of willingness on the part of the people of God today as well?
  4. Verses 4–5 describe God coming out to fight as well. How might we describe a similar work of God among His people today?
  5. Look at Genesis 49 and Deuteronomy 33. What are some similarities and differences regarding which tribes are blessed and which ones are cursed?
  6. Do you see a pattern regarding who cursed in this chapter? What does this tell us about the main point this chapter communicates regarding the path to blessing and curse?
  7. Verse 31 connects this chapter to God's work generally. What are some other examples from elsewhere in the Bible or our own life where this verse might also apply?
  8. What does this chapter teach us about the importance of singing about the acts and salvation of God? How can we do this better today?
  9. How does this chapter contribute to our understanding of thanksgiving and praise?
  10. Describe the contrast this chapter draws between the description of God and the description of Sisera? What lesson is the passage teaching us with this?

Key Words/Phrase

Song of praise, vv. 2, 12.


God, Deborah, Barak, Jael, Sisera, Shamgar.

Strong Verse(s)