Judges Chapter 3 Summary
Apostasies of Israel. Deliverances through Othniel, Ehud and Shamgar.
Discussion Questions for Judges, Chapter 3
- What are some ways verse 1 might make someone uncomfortable? How can we use what we know about the character of God elsewhere in the Bible to understand what is going on in this passage?
- How does forgetfulness lead to sin in verse 7? How can Christians today be better at remembering?
- What does verse 15 teach us about God's response to the cries of his people? How does this inform our prayer life?
- Verse 28 says it is God who hands over the Moabites into the hands of the Israelites. What role does God play in the events of this chapter? How might this help us interpret the ways God acts in our own lives?
- Why does verse 29 stress the strength of the Moabites? What does this show us about God’s power, and how does this strengthen our faith in Him?
- Despite God's faithfulness, we see Israel's continued backsliding into sin in this chapter. What does this show us about the deep problem of sin and our need for Jesus to save us from it?
- Would you consider Ehud to be using deception in this chapter? Was this right or wrong for him to do? Give reasons for your view.
- What does this chapter show us about God's concern to deliver people from oppression? Who are people who are oppressed today, and how can the church help them?
- In Judges, we see leaders as people who save people from their oppressors. How can leaders today fulfil this role as well?
- In what ways can we see Jesus as a judge? In what ways can we see him as a savior from oppression?
Key Words/Phrase
Proved (tested), vv. 1, 4.
God, Othniel, Chushan-rishathian, Eglou, Ehud, Shamgar.
Strong Verse(s)