Judges Chapter 20 Summary

Civil war in which the Benjamites are punished.

Discussion Questions for Judges, Chapter 20

  1. How do we see Israel’s disunity in this chapter? Where else in the book of Judges can this be seen? What message might this have for us today?
  2. Do you think the man was justified in what he did in verse 6? Explain why or why not and give supporting reasons. Why might this detail be included and what does it add to the story?
  3. What does this passage teach us about the severity of sin and how it must be dealt with? What is the lesson for us today?
  4. Do you think the reaction in verse 13 is justified? Explain why or why not, and use other Scriptural passages to support your answer.
  5. Why would God give the answer that he does in verse 23? What do you think is God's purpose in this, and what is his goal in this story?
  6. What do we learn from the fact that in verse 35 God fights against his own people? How is this a warning for us today?
  7. Why do you think this passage is included in Judges even though it would have been embarrassing for Israel? What are some similar embarrassing parts of our own history?
  8. How might our church acknowledge and remember its own embarrassing history? What are some examples from American history and how could we respond to them?
  9. How would you explain this passage to an unbeliever who is troubled by it?
  10. What does this passage teach us about sinful nature? Do we see God's grace in this chapter at all? Explain why or why not, and what verses contribute to your answer?

Key Words/Phrase

Vengeance, vv. 9, 28.


God, a Levlte, Phinehas.

Strong Verse(s)

11, 18, 26.