Judges Chapter 2 Summary
Review of Israelitish invasion of Canaan up to Joshua's death. Results of incomplete obedience. Judges instituted.
Discussion Questions for Judges, Chapter 2
- Describe how this chapter fits in chronologically with Judges 1 and Joshua 24. Why might the authors have organized their books in this way?
- What do verses 1–5 teach us about God’s faithfulness and Israel’s faithlessness? How would you compare and contrast your own life with these verses?
- Why does a covenant with God require no covenant with the idolaters in verse 2? What are some idolatrous practices Christians need to abstain from today?
- How did the older generation in verse 10 fail? What are some ways we can do better in training up the generation after us?
- People in the West don’t usually worship idols. Do you know of places in the world where this happens? What are other things people in the West serve instead of God?
- Look at the next couple of chapters of Judges. How do verses 16–23 lay out a pattern that will be repeated for the rest of the book?
- What do verses 16–23 show us about God’s care for his people and his acts of salvation? What are some ways God has done this in your own life and in the life of those you know?
- What are some passages from Joshua and Judges 1 that give background to Israel’s failure to drive out the nations? What are the consequences of this sin?
- How does this chapter show us the consequences of moral failure? How do we see this still happening today?
- What do we learn about God's commitment to stand by his people even when they are faithless? What response should this move us to today?
Key Words/Phrase
Sold, v. 14.
God, angel of Jehovah (Jesus) Joshua.
Strong Verse(s)
18, 20, 21.