Judges Chapter 14 Summary
Samson as Judge. His victory over a lion; his riddles; his wife.
Discussion Questions for Judges, Chapter 14
- According to verses 1-2, what was Samson’s motivation for wanting the Philistine woman as a wife? How important should this dynamic be in selecting a mate?
- In verse 3, Samson disregards his parents’ advice. Why is this usually the wrong thing to do?
- Verse 4 indicates that it was the Lord's will for Samson to marry a Philistine woman, specifically “to provide an opportunity for a confrontation” (CSB). What was the larger plan that God wanted to fulfill through this unusual marital union?
- In verses 5-6, the Spirit of the Lord was displayed in Samson’s life through an unusual display of strength. What is usually the evidence of the Spirit of the Lord in your life?
- Samson took some honey from the lion’s carcass and gave it to his parents to eat. Do you believe it was wrong for him to withhold from them where he got the honey? Why or why not?
- Samson challenges the thirty Philistine men to a contest in which they had to solve a riddle. Why should the riddle have been impossible for the men to solve?
- On the fourth day of being unable to solve the riddle, the men threatened Samson’s new bride to get him to explain it to her. Why do you think they would threaten her with violence?
- Initially, Samson refused to tell his bride the riddle, but she continued to nag him about it until he gave in. What might this indicate about Samson’s relationship with women?
- When the men gave Samson the answer to the riddle, the Spirit of the Lord came upon him again. What did Samson do with this endowment of strength? How do you think this event might have fit into God's plan?
- In verses 19-20, Samson returned to his father's house without his bride because he was very angry. In what way have you seen an uncontrolled anger cause someone to make a bad decision?
Key Words/Phrase
Wife, v. 2.
God, Holy Spirit, Samson, parents, woman of Timnah.
Strong Verse(s)
6, 19.