Joshua Chapter 6 Summary

Conquest of Jericho.

Discussion Questions for Joshua, Chapter 6

  1. God declares the victory as sure prior to the walls falling (v. 1). What does this tell us about God's omnipotence? Knowing of this power, how should you live your life in view of it?
  2. Do you think the soldiers trusted in God's plan, or do you think they felt like marching around the city was pointless? Do you ever feel like honoring God is not in your best interest? Give specific examples of when it was or was not.
  3. We see throughout the beginning chapters of Joshua that the Ark of the Covenant was powerful. Do you think it was powerful, merely symbolic, or something else? How can we apply the meaning of the Ark of the Covenant to our everyday lives? Be specific in your examples.
  4. Who was Rahab and why was she spared? Where else in the Bible is Rahab mentioned? How is she remembered?
  5. What are the “devoted things” in verse 18 (NIV) and how could it bring destruction on Israel? Do you have anything that can bring destruction in your own life but you refuse to give it up? Be specific with your answer and explain why it is so difficult to part ways with.
  6. Why would God find the silver, gold, bronze, and iron “sacred” and mark them for His treasury? What does this teach us about God? What does this teach us about ourselves?
  7. Was it just for the Israelites to kill every living thing (v. 21)? Why or why not? Does this cause you to question God's character? Explain your answer with specific examples of how it applies to your life.
  8. How do you think Rahab and her family felt when the city was burned (v. 24)? How would you feel and why?
  9. What does it mean that Rahab was brought into the camp of Israel (v. 23)? Was she now considered one of God's chosen people? If so, what does that mean for those outside of Israel, and how does it affect the way we spread the gospel today? Be specific in your answers.
  10. Why is it important that God's “fame spread throughout the land”? (v. 27)

Key Words/Phrase

Fall (of Jericho), v. 5.


God, Joshua, priests, Rahab, 2 spies.

Strong Verse(s)

16, 27.