Joshua Chapter 4 Summary

The memorial stone.

Discussion Questions for Joshua, Chapter 4

  1. Why were the Israelites going to Jericho? Was there any importance to that city? If so, what was it? Consider the promises of God in Exodus 6.
  2. God assured the safe passage of His people to the other side of the Jordan River. How does reading accounts such as this help you trust in God?
  3. What significance does the Ark of the Covenant play in this account? What makes it so powerful? Consider what it was built to do in order to answer this question.
  4. How do you think the Israelites were affected by witnessing the parting of the Jordan River? Do you think you would react differently if you witnessed it? Why or why not? Does that change your view of the power of God? Why or why not?
  5. There is an emphasis on the twelve tribes in this chapter. List out the twelve tribes and any responsibilities that were given to them specifically. Why do you think God divided the Israelites into tribes? What role does it play throughout the Old Testament? Did it still matter in the time of Christ? Why or why not?
  6. Why do you think Joshua erected a second memorial of 12 stones in the place where the priests were standing? (v. 9)
  7. In verse 14, it talks about Joshua being exalted as Moses had been. Why is this significant?
  8. Why was it so important that the priests remained in the water until everyone had crossed? What do you think would have happened if they disobeyed the command to remain? What can we learn from their example?
  9. In verse 7 and verse 21, Joshua explains why the stones have been put there. What is his reasoning? Why is it so important for us to remember what God has done?
  10. In verse 24, the reason for the twelve stones is enlarged to explain that it also represented the power of God to all the peoples of the earth. Why would God want people besides the Israelites to know His power? Does this affect the way we think of spreading the Gospel? Does it affect your ministry personally? Why or why not?

Key Words/Phrase

Memorial, v. 7.


God, Joshua, priests, 12 men.

Strong Verse(s)

22, 24.