Joshua Chapter 24 Summary

Last charge of Joshua and his death. Eleazar's death.

Discussion Questions for Joshua, Chapter 24

  1. Look over Judges chapters 1–2. How does this chapter fit in with those chapters? How can we read this passage better by understanding the context?
  2. How would you describe the overall tone of this chapter? What is Joshua’s attitude? What do you think has led to this?
  3. What do you think is the point of the historical review in verses 6–13? What are some acts of God we should remember in our own lives, and what effect should they have on us?
  4. Verses 14–15 mention putting away one's sinful past. What are some ways we can push forward in our own walk with God?
  5. What does Joshua mean in verse 19? Why would he say this? What should the truth of this verse do to affect how we think about God and serve him?
  6. Would you say verse 31 describes your own Christian life? Why or why not?
  7. Joshua is pessimistic about the nation's ability to obey God. What has God done in Christ that allows us to be more optimistic about our ability to obey? How does this comfort us in our daily life?
  8. Why might the nation have renewed the covenant in this chapter? Looking at the broader history, did it work? Do you think we should make such covenants and renewal ceremonies today?
  9. In this passage, the people remember God’s grace toward them. What are some ways we can incorporate more gratitude and remembrance in our own churches?
  10. Faith is stressed as important throughout this passage. What does it look like to live a faithful life in your own life?

Key Words/Phrase

Counsel, v. 2.


God, Joshua, Eleazar.

Strong Verse(s)

15, 16, 20, 24.