Joshua Chapter 23 Summary

Last counsels of Joshua.

Discussion Questions for Joshua, Chapter 23

  1. How can we see the fulfillment of God’s promises in verse 1? What are some examples of God’s fulfilled promises in our own lives?
  2. What do you think the author wanted to communicate about God by including verse 1? How does this give us hope in our daily lives?
  3. How does Joshua set things in order as he nears the end of his life? How is this instructive for us today?
  4. What does verse 3 show us about how much God loves Israel and what He will do to him? What are some examples of God’s love in the New Testament?
  5. Why do you think verse 7 commands against intermixing? What are some dangerous ways of mixing with unbelievers today? How can we avoid them?
  6. Look at 1 Corinthians 5:9–13 and 2 Corinthians 6:14. Compare and contrast the different scenarios and responses in Joshua and 1 Corinthians. What can we learn from reading these texts together, and how do they speak into our own context?
  7. In what sense is it meant in verse 3 that God fought for Israel? What does this teach us about God's behind-the-scenes work in Israel and also in our own lives?
  8. What does verse 6 teach us about the need for vigilance in obeying God’s word? What are some practical ways to ensure this in our own lives?
  9. What does verse 13 show us about the consequences of neglecting God? Have you experienced a similar case of discipline from God? Explain.
  10. How does verse 16 remind us to focus not just on promises but also on warnings? What are some ways we can kindly warn our brothers and sisters like Joshua did?

Key Words/Phrase

Counsel (said unto them), v. 2.


God, Joshua.

Strong Verse(s)

3, 6, 8, 10, 14.