Joshua Chapter 22 Summary

Two and a half tribes dismissed to their homes. Altar of Reuben and Gad.

Discussion Questions for Joshua, Chapter 22

  1. How is verse 2 a positive example of obedience? How can we apply this example to our own lives?
  2. Why does verse 5 mention the need for continued obedience after praising the people's previous obedience? How can this help us fight against complacency in our own lives?
  3. Why is the people’s reaction in verses 13–20 so strong? How might you have reacted in this situation? Explain why.
  4. What do verses 13–20 teach us about the seriousness of sin and the required response? What are some examples of ways sin is ignored today?
  5. Verse 17 describes sin as something that makes people unclean. What are some other metaphors you can think of in the Bible for sin? What are some ways our culture views sin today?
  6. What lessons does this chapter teach us about how the people of God are to deal with misunderstandings with one another?
  7. Why do you think the people in verse 34 thought it was important to set up a witness that they were a part of the people of God? How can we prepare the generation after us to remember this same truth?
  8. What are some Christian truths that we need to remember? What are some ways we can remember them in our daily lives?
  9. How have you seen conflict dealt with in your own church? Explain similarities and differences compared to this chapter?
  10. This chapter shows us the balance between taking a hard line on sin and also trying to preserve unity among the faith community. What are some practical ways we can do the same today?

Key Words/Phrase

Witness, v. 27.


God, Joshua, Phinehas.

Strong Verse(s)

5, 18, 29.