Joshua Chapter 18 Summary
Tabernacle set up; apportionment of land to seven tribes.
Discussion Questions for Joshua, Chapter 18
- Why was it important for all the people to be present in verse 1? What sort of events in the life of the church today require everyone present?
- How does Joshua interpret the unfinished job in verse 3? What was the tribe’s role in this, and how is this an example and warning for us today?
- What do we learn from the fact that God has given the land, but the people still need to go inherit it in verse 3?
- Are there promises that God has made to Christians that we sometimes fail to live in accordance with? Explain why this might happen.
- What is the job of the leaders appointed in verse 4? What do we learn about Joshua’s view of the need for leadership, and what relevance does this have for us today?
- How would you explain this passage and its importance to someone who is new to reading the Bible?
- In what ways do we see Joshua concerned for fairness in the distribution of land? What are ways we can promote fairness in our own context?
- What is the significance of the people having land given to them, rather than choosing for themselves or fighting amongst each other for it? How can leaders today promote unity in similar ways?
- How do we see delegation at work in verses 8–10? Why is delegation important in the church today?
- Verse 11 says the lot was according to the number of people Benjamin had. How does this show the fairness of the allotment? What are some ways we can pursue similar practices today?
Key Words/Phrase
Borders, v. 12.
God, Joshua, three surveyors.
Strong Verse(s)
1, 3.