Joshua Chapter 15 Summary

Land divisions; the portion of Judah.

Discussion Questions for Joshua, Chapter 15

  1. What does it tell us about Judah’s importance that their allotment is listed first? What are some other things we know about Judah in the Bible and how might it relate to this passage?
  2. Compare this chapter with what is said about Judah in Judges 1. What are some differences and what are some similarities? How does this shape our reading of Joshua 15?
  3. What do you know about Judah from the rest of the Bible? How might this affect how we read this chapter?
  4. Have you moved around a lot or stayed in the same place? How does the story of Israel moving into the land compare or contrast with your own experience?
  5. What were some of the challenges Israel experienced in entering into the land? What are some challenges where we need God's help today?
  6. Why do you think this chapter goes into such extensive detail? What does this teach us about this moment in history?
  7. How do we see God’s goodness and generosity in this chapter?
  8. Compare Judah’s inheritance with the inheritance of other tribes in Joshua. What are some similarities and differences? What does this show us about the broader point being made in the book of Joshua?
  9. In Joshua, Judah is presented more positively than other tribes. Yet they still fail to obey God completely. What lessons can we draw from this today?
  10. What are some positive examples we can draw for our own lives from Judah in this chapter?

Key Words/Phrase



God, Joshua, Caleb, Othniel, Achsah.

Strong Verse(s)