Joshua Chapter 14 Summary

Land divided, the portion of Caleb.

Discussion Questions for Joshua, Chapter 14

  1. Verse 1 mentions that not only Joshua, but Eleazar the priest was involved in leading the people. How can this help us understand the need for multiple leaders in our communities today?
  2. Verse 4 mentions that the Levites receive no portion like the other tribes. How might this have made you feel if you were a Levite at this time? Would you have been more upset or have been more content? Explain why.
  3. What are some positives and negatives for the Levites who didn’t get a portion of land? Explain.
  4. Verse 4 doesn’t mention the reason the Levites don’t get a portion. Using other parts of scripture, explain God’s reasoning for commanding this. What was the desired effect this would have on the Levites?
  5. Why is the history recounted in verses 6–12 so important to Caleb? How is Caleb an example of remembering and hoping in God’s actions and promises today?
  6. What does verse 6 show us about the enduring authority of Moses? What does this teach us about prophecy?
  7. What does verse 7 teach us about doing God’s work even in old age?
  8. Where else is Caleb mentioned in the Bible? How do we see his faithfulness, and how can we follow his example?
  9. How does God show his faithfulness to Caleb? How is this a message for others as well?
  10. What can we learn from Caleb’s example of courage?

Key Words/Phrase

Divided (land), v. 5.


God, Joshua, Caleb, Eleazar.

Strong Verse(s)

10, 11, 12.