Joshua Chapter 11 Summary

Final conquest of Canaan.

Discussion Questions for Joshua, Chapter 11

  1. In verses 12, 15, and 23, it says that Joshua did as God had commanded Moses and Moses commanded Joshua. When did this occur? (For help, consider other biblical accounts about Moses and Joshua.)
  2. In verse 20, it talks about God hardening the hearts of Israel's enemies. Where else in the Bible does it speak about God hardening a heart (or hearts)? What does this mean for us? What does this mean for our evangelism practices?
  3. In verse 13, why do you think that Joshua burned Hazor? What was the significance of Hazor?
  4. Do you think that God hardens hearts in modern times? Why or why not? Be sure to use scripture to support your answer.
  5. In verse 23, it refers to the tribal divisions of Israel. Explain in your own words why these were set up by God and what purpose they played throughout the Old Testament.
  6. Read Deuteronomy 7. Why was it so important for Joshua to “destroy them totally?” (v. 20, NIV) What was the reasoning?
  7. Do you struggle with the violence described in the early chapters of Joshua? Why or why not?
  8. What does this chapter tell you about God’s character (consider Deuteronomy 7 in your answer)?
  9. The cities that were defeated did not follow the Israelite God but instead worshipped idols. How did this play into the importance of the command to destroy them completely? What happens in our lives when we do not tear down our own idols? Give specific examples of how this plays out in your own life.
  10. How are Christ’s followers today told to interact with those who worship idols? Use scripture to support your answer.

Key Words/Phrase

Delivered, vv. 6, 8.


God, Joshua, Jabin, Jobab.

Strong Verse(s)

6, 23.