Joshua Chapter 10 Summary

Victory at Gibeon, Makkedah, etc. Sun's action halted.

Discussion Questions for Joshua, Chapter 10

  1. Who is credited with defeating all of the enemies of the Israelites? Why didn’t the armies receive the credit when they were the ones fighting? What does this tell us about how we are supposed to engage our enemies?
  2. God commanded Joshua to destroy all who breathed (v. 40). (NIV) Why was it necessary for Joshua and his army to kill all the people inside the cities?
  3. Where else in scripture do we see God defeating all of His people's enemies supernaturally? Be specific.
  4. In verse 10, God confuses the enemies of the Israelites. Where else in scripture does God confuse the enemies of His people?
  5. We are not given a lot of detail about Joshua’s command to the sun or why God allowed him to do so (vv. 12–13). Why do you think he did so? Is there anything you can personally take away from it? If so, what? Be specific in examples on application to your life.
  6. What does it mean in verse 14 that the Lord listened to a human being? How is this different from Elijah praying for rain?
  7. How is God’s sovereignty shown throughout this passage? Consider the actions of all the different armies when answering this question. How does God’s sovereignty play a role in your life? Use specific examples.
  8. Joshua showed faith as he continued to battle throughout the campaign. Does your faith look like his? What can you do to strengthen your faith?
  9. The Gibeonites acted out of fear while Joshua acted out of faith. Which type of submission to God is more biblical? Why? Do you find yourself living in fear or in faith? What can you do to live more on faith? Give specific examples of how you can apply these principles to your life.
  10. God promised to give the land over to the Israelites, which gave them faith to fight. What has God promised us? How does it affect the way you live your life?

Key Words/Phrase

Delivered, vv. 8, 30, 32.


God, Joshua, Adonizedek, king of Makkedah.

Strong Verse(s)

8, 14, 25.