Joshua Chapter 1 Summary

Joshua's commission and command.

Discussion Questions for Joshua, Chapter 1

  1. What concrete benefits does God's presence provide in verse 5? What does this show us about God's presence in our own lives?
  2. How specifically is Joshua to be strong in verse 7? How do we normally think of strength today? How could we adopt this passage’s view of strength in our own lives?
  3. There is much talk today of toxic masculinity and how this relates to biblical masculinity. How might this chapter speak to this discussion?
  4. Verses 12–15 describe the tribes that live East of the Jordan and how they need to help those who are to live West of the Jordan. What principle of unity of the people of God is taught, and how can we apply this today?
  5. In verses 16–18, what do the people see as important in a leader? How could leaders apply this today? How might congregations help their leaders in this?
  6. How might a Church apply this passage in shaping their ministry to focus on God’s word?
  7. In what ways could we apply this passage focus on God’s word to raising our children?
  8. Verse 2 says that God is the one giving the land. How does this relate to the fact that later the people will have to fight for it? What do we learn about how God works in the world?
  9. In what ways do you see verse 5 as true or untrue in the life of believers today? How might you apply the passage based on your answer?
  10. How could we apply verse 8 and spend more time in the word daily? What are some practices that would help this?

Key Words/Phrase

Strong, vv. 6, 7, 9, 18.


God, Moses, Joshua.

Strong Verse(s)

8, 9.