John Chapter 6 Summary

Feeding the 5000. Walking on the sea. Discourse on the Bread of Life. Peter's confession of faith.

Discussion Questions for John, Chapter 6

  1. Why do you think that Jesus asks questions of His disciples to which He already knows the answers? In what ways does this help them arrive at the truth on their own? How do we ultimately learn the truth of God's Word?
  2. How many baskets were left over after Jesus fed the multitude? What do you think is the significance of this number? In what ways was this miracle more to teach the disciples than to teach the crowd?
  3. Why would the people want to take Jesus “by force” (HCSB) to make Him King? Why would Jesus not fulfill a political throne? What was the ultimate purpose for Jesus coming to the earth?
  4. Describe the miracle of walking on water. Why do you think Jesus chose to reveal Himself in this way? What is a time in which you have seen Jesus come to you in times of fear or great need?
  5. What is the ultimate “work of God” (HCSB) Jesus speaks of in this passage? Why do you think the people were so enamored with the signs that Jesus performed? What is the ultimate purpose of signs and miracles?
  6. What does it mean that Jesus is the “bread of life” (HCSB)? How does this compare to chapter 5 and Jesus being “living water” (HCSB)? Why do you think that Jesus uses food metaphors to explain spiritual truths?
  7. Describe Peter’s statement in verses 68–69. What does this say about Peter’s understanding of Jesus’ identity? What helped Peter come to this conclusion?
  8. Verse 65 can be a very controversial statement. What does it mean that only the Father can “grant” eternal life through Christ? How would you explain this theological concept? How do you know that God has brought you to Himself through Jesus?
  9. What references can you find to the Lord’s Supper in this passage? What is the significance of the “flesh” (HCSB) and “blood” (HCSB) of Jesus as it relates to His followers? Are these references literal or metaphorical, and why?
  10. Why do you think Jesus chose Judas even though He already knew Judas would betray Him? What does this say about the sovereignty of God and His plans?

Key Words/Phrase

Bread, vv. 5, 33.


God, Jesus, disciples, boy, Moses, Joseph.

Strong Verse(s)

27, 29, 35, 37, 39, 40, 44, 51, 63.