John Chapter 5 Summary

Healing of the man at the pool of Bethesda. Jesus answers the Jews. The four-fold witness to Jesus.

Discussion Questions for John, Chapter 5

  1. Why do you think John included the man’s age in verse 5? If that represents an older age, how does that change your perception of the healing? If you were to put yourself in his shoes, what kind of compassion does that draw out of you? In what ways does God use the suffering of others to change your heart?
  2. What do you think about Jesus’s question “do you want to get well?” (HCSB)? Why does He ask this? In what ways might Jesus use questions to help us understand spiritual truths?
  3. What is “the Sabbath” (HCSB)? Why is it so important to the religious leaders? For what reason would they be upset about Jesus healing on the Sabbath? What is a time in which you got in trouble for doing the right thing?
  4. What is the significance of Jesus’s statement “My Father” (HCSB)? What concept is He revealing in this statement? Why do you think Jesus chose to reveal His identity in this way at this time?
  5. Why did the Jews begin to “persecute” (HCSB) Jesus? What does their anger over the healings on the Sabbath reveal about the condition of their hearts? What does this teach us about the nature of persecution?
  6. What are the “greater works” (HCSB) Jesus references in verse 20? Does that refer to works that we do, or that He will do? What does this matter?
  7. In what ways does Jesus equate Himself with God the Father? What does this mean? How do these statements reveal the Trinity?
  8. Why does Jesus have a “greater testimony than John's” (HCSB)? How are their roles different, and what makes Jesus greater?
  9. Where does Jesus say that true “eternal life” (HCSB) comes from? In what ways can we seek out eternal life in works and actions rather than the life of Jesus? Is Jesus saying that the “scriptures” (HCSB) are not powerful? Why or why not?
  10. Why does Jesus tell the Jews that “Moses is your accuser” (HCSB)? What, if any, relationship does the Law have with salvation?

Key Words/Phrase

Healing, v. 8.


God, Jesus, infirm man, John the Baptist, Moses.

Strong Verse(s)

23, 24, 28, 29, 39.