John Chapter 21 Summary

The risen Christ surprises the disciples and directs their fishing. Peter given opportunity to reaffirm His allegiance to Christ.

Discussion Questions for John, Chapter 21

  1. The disciples did not recognize Jesus at first in this chapter. In what ways does this story mirror Jesus’ encounter with Mary Magdalene? Why do you think Jesus does not allow His followers to immediately recognize Him?
  2. What was the significance of Jesus eating in front of the disciples? Why do you think He does this? What does this teach us about His bodily form and the authenticity of the resurrection?
  3. John (the author) regularly avoids referring to himself when describing events in this Gospel. Why do you think that is? What does that say about the focus of his writings and the purpose of his message?
  4. What does Jesus ask Peter to do? How is this different than any of the other disciples? What role does Jesus’s prophecy about suffering play in the rest of the New Testament?
  5. Why do you think Jesus asked Peter three times if he loved Jesus? Does this correspond to the number of times Peter denied Jesus? Why or why not?
  6. This might be one of the first instances of “misinformation.” Where did the idea that John would not die come from? How does Jesus correct this rumor? Why do you think this rumor started in the first place, and how might it inform people's perceptions of John's life and death even today?
  7. In verse 25, John refers to "many other things that Jesus did." What do you think were some of those things? How can we benefit from having the four different Gospel accounts from Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John?
  8. How do we know that this “testimony is true” (HCSB)? How does our faith hinge both on the resurrection and the Gospels being true?
  9. What is the symbolism of Jesus breaking bread and fish with the apostles? What story does this remind you of? How do these events connect to one another? How are these “signs” that confirm Jesus’s identity?
  10. Why is it important that Jesus appeared to the disciples now three times? What do you think Jesus’s purpose was in revealing Himself in this way? How do His multiple appearances reassure the disciples that He truly was alive?

Key Words/Phrase

Service (v. 6) and love (v. 15).


Jesus, disciples, Peter, Thomas, John.

Strong Verse(s)

15, 16, 17.