John Chapter 20 Summary
Resurrection of Christ
Discussion Questions for John, Chapter 20
- Why do you think God chose a woman (Mary) to be the first eyewitness to the resurrection? What is the significance of a woman's testimony in the first century? What does this say about God's power and confidence in spreading His story?
- Imagine the scene of the empty tomb that Peter, John, and Mary experienced. Why is it significant that the burial cloth was “folded”? What kind of intentionality does that show? What does this tell you about the events that happened inside the tomb?
- Why did Peter and John not truly believe until they saw the empty tomb? What is your response when you struggle with doubt? How does God help you believe in His Word?
- Why do you think Mary did not recognize Jesus? How does this fit in with the broader narrative of Jesus’s disciples still not believing that He would rise from the dead?
- What emotions are evoked when you read the moment that Mary finally realized Jesus was alive? What kind of emotions did you have when you first believed in Jesus and His resurrection?
- Why did the disciples fear the Jews? Think about the circumstances after Jesus’s death. What danger would they have been in for following Jesus, if any?
- What is the significance of Jesus coming through a locked door? How would the disciples have reacted after experiencing this? How does this experience line up with the “bodily” resurrection of Jesus? What form would Jesus have had after He rose from the dead?
- Why did the disciples receive the Holy Spirit in this specific way? How do we receive the Holy Spirit today? In what ways is the disciples’ experience extraordinary compared to our own?
- Why do you think Thomas was so adamant that he would not believe Jesus had risen without seeing proof? How does this compare to John and Peter believing after only seeing the empty tomb? What does this teach us about walking by faith and not by sight?
- What is Jesus now sending the disciples to do according to verse 21? What is the primary purpose of followers of Jesus?
Key Words/Phrase
Resurrection, v. 14.
Mary Magdalene, Peter, John, two angels, Jesus, disciples, Thomas.
Strong Verse(s)
21, 29 (b), 31.