John Chapter 2 Summary

The marriage at Cana and the first miracle of Jesus. The passover and the purification of the temple.

Discussion Questions for John, Chapter 2

  1. Why do you think Jesus chose a wedding to be the place of his first miraculous sign? What do you think the symbolism of a wedding represents in God’s relationship to His people?
  2. How would you define Jesus’s interactions with His mother? What surprises you about how He speaks to her?
  3. What is the significance of Jesus using the “purification” (HCSB) water in the jars to turn into wine? What role does the ceremonial law of washing play in Jesus’ interactions with religious leaders later on? In what ways does this miracle point to Jesus as the fulfillment of the Law?
  4. Why do you think John specifically points out that Jesus had “brothers” (HCSB)? How does the identification and interaction with Jesus’s mother and brothers relate to His humanity and “everyday life”?
  5. Why is it important that the wine Jesus created was “fine” (HCSB) and of superior quality to the previous wine? In what ways does “new wine” signify Jesus’s ministry and the newness of the salvation He was bringing? How does “newness” in Christ impact our own life?
  6. What is the relationship between the “ceremonial” (HCSB) water and the cleansing of the temple in this chapter? How do these things go together in Jewish customs? In what ways did the commercialization of the temple reflect the Jews' spiritual hard-heartedness towards the things of God?
  7. How did “signs” (HCSB) cause people to believe in Jesus? In what ways can we become overly dependent on seeing signs, rather than having faith and belief in God's Word?
  8. How does Jesus know “what was in man” (HCSB)? In what ways does Jesus show divine understanding of human nature? How does His understanding of human nature impact His willingness to perform signs for the religious leaders? In what ways does God give you similar discernment?
  9. What is the relationship between Jesus and the temple? What kinds of symbolism can you gather from this? How does understanding Jesus and the temple impact how you view your relationship with Christ today?
  10. How does Jesus’s actions in clearing the temple make you feel? In what ways are His righteous anger justified? Have you ever experienced righteous anger? What was the context, and what was the result?

Key Words/Phrase

Obedience, vv. 5, 16.


Jesus, mother, disciples.

Strong Verse(s)

5, 16.