John Chapter 19 Summary

Pilate brings Jesus before the multitude. The rejection of the Savior and the crucifixion. His entombment.

Discussion Questions for John, Chapter 19

  1. Describe the suffering that Jesus endured in this chapter. Why did He allow Himself to suffer in this way? What was the ultimate purpose?
  2. What was the law (HCSB) that the Jews cited to justify crucifying Jesus? In what ways does this corrupt the law and corrupt the intentions of the law?
  3. How do you feel knowing that Pilate tried to keep the Jews from crucifying Jesus? Does this change your view of him? Why or why not?
  4. Do you think that Pilate experienced conviction in this chapter? How would you justify your answer? What do you think the turning point was in his conversation with Jesus?
  5. What is the significance of the statement by the religious leaders “We have no king but Caesar” (HCSB)? How does this impact their religious culture and their interactions with non-Jews? What surprises you about this statement?
  6. How would you describe Jesus’s answers to Pilate? Why do you think that He answered Pilate the way that He did?
  7. What does Jesus’s provision for His mother at the foot of the cross teach us about family devotion? In what ways does this model a broader and deeper understanding of Christian community? How do you live out this type of community amongst believers in your life?
  8. How many references can you find to Jesus as “King” (HCSB) in this chapter? Are these references positive or negative? What is the significance of the continued usage of the word “King” regarding Jesus?
  9. What was the purpose of casting lots for Jesus’s clothes? Why is it important that this fulfilled an Old Testament prophecy?
  10. Why do you think “Joseph of Arimathea” was a secret follower of Jesus? In what ways does his story mirror the story of Nicodemus? What does this teach you about the dangers of following Jesus, even while Jesus walked the earth? What does this teach you about modern-day persecution?

Key Words/Phrase

Crucifixion, v. 18.


Jesus, Pilate, soldiers, Jesus' mother, His aunt, wife of Cleophas, Mary Magdalene, Joseph, Nicodemus.

Strong Verse(s)

4 (b), 17, 18, 30.