John Chapter 13 Summary
Last Passover. Jesus washes disciples' feet. Betrayal foretold, also Peter's denial.
Discussion Questions for John, Chapter 13
- Following riding on a donkey, how does Jesus demonstrate even further humility by washing His disciples’ feet? What do you think the cultural and spiritual significances of this are?
- How does this story compare to Mary anointing Jesus with oil? What would you say is the importance of these two instances? How do these stories demonstrate “service” as an important aspect in the Christian life?
- How does Peter’s initial rejection of Jesus washing his feet demonstrate his ignorance of Jesus’s mission? In what ways do we often reject humility and embrace power? Why would Peter be so opposed to Jesus washing his feet?
- How does Judas’s betrayal make him unclean? Why does unclean often signify “sinful” in the Bible?
- Do you think Jesus is suggesting that we follow His example literally to wash one another’s feet in verse 14? If it is literal, why do we not do this regularly? If it is metaphorical, what do you think Jesus is meaning by this?
- Even with all of Jesus’s obvious signs in this chapter, why did the disciples still not understand who would betray Him? What was the purpose in Jesus closing off their understanding to that?
- What role does “love one another” play in the Christian life? How important do you think it is to practice this on a regular basis? How is loving one another an expression of our love for God?
- Why does it seem as if Peter is the “spokesman” for the disciples? How do you feel about Peter regularly challenging Jesus’s statements? What does this say about how we should approach Jesus in our own lives?
- Where is Jesus going that the disciples cannot follow Him for the time being? Why does Jesus speak so cryptically here?
- Why do you think Jesus allowed Judas to remain in His inner circle, even though He knew Judas would betray Him? Do you think that Judas would have had an opportunity to repent and not betray Jesus?
Key Words/Phrase
Humility, vv. 5, 14, 16.
Jesus, God, Judas, disciples, Peter, Satan.
Strong Verse(s)
1 (b), 16, 34, 35.