John Chapter 11 Summary
Raising of Lazarus. Enmity of the Pharisees against Jesus.
Discussion Questions for John, Chapter 11
- This chapter contains the shortest verse in the Bible: “Jesus wept” (HCSB). What is the purpose in recording these intimate emotions of Jesus? What was He ultimately weeping over? How does God use your emotions for His purposes?
- What was the purpose in Jesus waiting “two more days” before visiting Lazarus? How does this change your perspective on God's timing? What is an example in your life where God's timing was confusing, but everything worked out in the end?
- Describe the friendship that Jesus had with Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. What other Scriptural references can you find to this? What example does this show us of the role of friendship in the lives of followers of Jesus?
- How is God glorified in sickness and death? How does this change your perspective on suffering and the role it plays in your life?
- What does Thomas’s statement mean in verse 16? What might this foreshadow? What is the relationship between following Jesus and death?
- What do you think about Martha’s first statement to Jesus in verse 21? What does this suggest that she thought about Jesus and His abilities? Does this demonstrate faith or a lack of faith, and why?
- Why do you think that “four days” is significant in this story? What does the fact that Lazarus was “decaying” have to do with the power of the miracle? In what ways might this have been faked, if possible?
- What does Jesus mean when He says “I am the resurrection and the life” (HCSB)? What central role does resurrection play in the Christian life? What might Jesus be prophesying in this chapter? What is the significance of the “stone”?
- How would Mary and Martha have felt after seeing Lazarus resurrected after 4 days? Describe their possible emotions. How does this help you empathize with those that suffer in our world today?
- Why did the Jews ultimately want to kill Jesus simply for healing Lazarus? What role does jealousy play in this narrative? What did the religious leaders consider as the most important thing?
Key Words/Phrase
Lazarus raised, vv. 23, 44.
Jesus, Lazarus, Mary, Martha, disciples, Pharisees, Thomas, Caiaphas.
Strong Verse(s)
25, 26, 40.