John Chapter 1 Summary
Deity of Christ. Ministry of John the Baptist. Jesus announced as the Lamb of God, and the first converts to Him
Discussion Questions for John, Chapter 1
- What does it mean that “the Word” (HCSB) became flesh? How does this theology shape your understanding of God's relationship with mankind?
- What are some common arguments from the world against Jesus being God? How would you answer those using John 1:1? In what ways is Jesus’s deity important to your everyday life?
- How does the imagery of “light” (HCSB) and “darkness” (HCSB) represent good and evil? What does this tell you about God's character and nature vs. the character and nature of this world?
- How do verses 1-3 connect the existence of Jesus and creation? How do you rectify all things being “created through Him” (HCSB), and also entering creation as a man? In what ways does this speak to the eternal nature of God?
- What is John the Baptist’s ultimate role on earth? How is John the Baptist an example to you of humility and faithfulness?
- How does John's message of “repentance” mirror Jesus’s message of repentance? Why was it necessary for John to “testify” about Jesus’s ministry? In what ways might you be responsible to “testify” about Jesus today?
- What is the reaction to the original disciples when they encounter Jesus? Why do you think they immediately were willing to follow Him? In what ways might this be connected to John's previous ministry of testifying? How does this influence you to share Jesus?
- Why is it important that John (the apostle and author) emphasizes the aspect of eyewitness accounts? How does this help the historical reliability of the Gospel accounts? In what ways might this give you more confidence in the story of Jesus in your own life?
- How many adjectives can you find that Jesus is called in this passage (like “lamb of God” HCSB)? What is the significance of a variety of names that Jesus is known by?
- Why is Nathaniel’s skepticism important to the narrative of this story? How might his initial unbelief draw in other skeptics who read this Gospel account? What is a time that you might have been skeptical of the truth of Scripture, and how did God convince you?
Key Words/Phrase
The Word, v. 1.
God, Jesus, John the Baptist, Moses, Elias, Isaiah, Pharisees, Andrew, Simon, Philip, Nathaniel.
Strong Verse(s)
12, 13, 14, 17, 29.