Choose a chapter to view the questions

  • John, Chapter 1: Deity of Christ. Ministry of John the Baptist. Jesus announced as the Lamb of God, and the first converts to Him
  • John, Chapter 2: The marriage at Cana and the first miracle of Jesus. The passover and the purification of the temple.
  • John, Chapter 3: Nicodemus and the new birth. The last testimony of John the Baptist.
  • John, Chapter 4: Jesus and the Samaritan woman. The indwelling Spirit. The nobleman's son healed.
  • John, Chapter 5: Healing of the man at the pool of Bethesda. Jesus answers the Jews. The four-fold witness to Jesus.
  • John, Chapter 6: Feeding the 5000. Walking on the sea. Discourse on the Bread of Life. Peter's confession of faith.
  • John, Chapter 7: Jesus urged to go to the feast. His final departure from GalilepTPSUS at the feast of tabernacles. Prophecy concerning the Holy Spirit
  • John, Chapter 8: The woman taken in adultery. Discourse after the feast on Jesus as Light of the world. Satan, the original liar and murderer, and the Satanic brotherhood.
  • John, Chapter 9: Healing of the man born blind. The fault finding of unbelievers.
  • John, Chapter 10: Discourse on the Good Shepherd. Jesus' deity asserted.
  • John, Chapter 11: Raising of Lazarus. Enmity of the Pharisees against Jesus.
  • John, Chapter 12: The supper at Bethany. The triumphal entry. Jesus' answer to Greeks.
  • John, Chapter 13: Last Passover. Jesus washes disciples' feet. Betrayal foretold, also Peter's denial.
  • John, Chapter 14: Jesus foretells His second coming and promises the Holy Spirit to believers.
  • John, Chapter 15: Jesus' discourse on the vine and the branches. The believer and the world.
  • John, Chapter 16: Warning of persecutions. The promise of the Spirit and His three-fold work. Jesus talks of His death, resurrection and second coming.
  • John, Chapter 17: Jesus' prayer of intercession.
  • John, Chapter 18: Jesus' betrayal and arrest. Peter's denial. Jesus condemned and Barabbas released.
  • John, Chapter 19: Pilate brings Jesus before the multitude. The rejection of the Savior and the crucifixion. His entombment.
  • John, Chapter 20: Resurrection of Christ
  • John, Chapter 21: The risen Christ surprises the disciples and directs their fishing. Peter given opportunity to reaffirm His allegiance to Christ.