Job Chapter 40 Summary

God's challenge to Job continued. Job's answer.

Discussion Questions for Job, Chapter 40

  1. How does The Lord address Job in this chapter? What kind of approach does He take? Has The Lord ever addressed you in this way? What was that like?
  2. Job 40:2, “Shall a faultfinder contend with the Almighty? He who argues with God, let him answer it.” (ESV) What do you take away from this verse? What does it mean to contend with God?
  3. What does Job display in verses 3–5? What can you take away from Job’s response to the Lord?
  4. What does this chapter teach you about human limits? What contrasts do we see between our abilities and God’s?
  5. What do you take away from verses 13–14? What cause and effect do you see here? What would this mean to Job?
  6. Job 40:19, “He is the first of the works of God; let him who made him bring near his sword!” (ESV) What does it mean that he is “the first of the works of God”? What message does this verse communicate to Job?
  7. How does God describe the Behemoth in verses 15–24? What visual do you get with this description? What was the purpose of this description?
  8. As you have continued to learn about suffering through the chapters you have read in Job, how does this specific chapter expand that understanding? What verses could you use to shape the way you encourage someone who is suffering?
  9. Has it ever been hard for you to understand what God is teaching you? What do you do when understanding His ways is difficult?
  10. How would you simplify the theme of Job 40? Put it in your own words.

Key Words/Phrase

Challenge, v. 2.


God, Job.

Strong Verse(s)