Job Chapter 38 Summary

God's challenge to Job.

Discussion Questions for Job, Chapter 38

  1. How did the Lord speak to Job? Why do you think He spoke in this way?
  2. What does it mean for counsel to be darkened? What does it mean for your words to be without knowledge? (v. 2)
  3. Job 38:7, “when the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy?” Who/what are the morning stars? Who are the sons of God? How do we come to understand this in Scripture? How does this relate to Job’s situation?
  4. What is the theme of the Lord’s response? How does it compare to other responses?
  5. How does this chapter impact the way you view The Lord? Did it change your view? Did it affirm a current view? Discuss your response.
  6. Job 38:17, “Have the gates of death been revealed to you, or have you seen the gates of deep darkness?” (ESV) What does this reveal to you about God’s omniscience? What kind of glimpse does it give you into things to come?
  7. Job 38:22-23, “Have you entered the storehouses of the snow, or have you seen the storehouses of the hail, which I have reserved for the time of trouble, for the day of battle and war?” How might Job understand this question? What is being communicated with this question?
  8. How does this chapter impact how you respond to your understanding of God’s creation?
  9. How would you personally react to the Lord asking you these questions?
  10. What is the cultural context of Job? How might this help you understand the gravity of what God is asking in 38:31-33?

Key Words/Phrase

Challenge, v. 3.


God, Job.

Strong Verse(s)