Job Chapter 26 Summary

Job's answer to Bildad. His faith in God.

Discussion Questions for Job, Chapter 26

  1. At first glance, what kind of attitude does Job have as a response to Job 25 and the argument for man’s unworthiness before God?
  2. To have more context for the ideas of Sheol and Abaddon, read Revelation 9:11 (NIV or NLT). How is Abaddon explained? How does this match the image of water in Job 26:5?
  3. In verse 6, Sheol and Abaddon are presented as the keepers and causers of death. What does Job illustrate by declaring them “naked” or “uncovered” to God? (ESV) How does this mirror the way Adam and Eve realized they were naked before God in Genesis 3:10–11?
  4. Focusing on verses 7-8. How does Job’s picture of Creation and wonder help in understanding God’s wisdom? What kind of characteristics come with the picture, such as, “hanging the earth by nothing at all”? (v. 8, ESV)
  5. In verse 9, Job contrasts Sheol and Abaddon nakedness with God’s covering of something as clear as the moon in the night sky. How might this kind of contrast affect Job or others who are suffering or fearing death?
  6. In an effort to understand Job’s statements as a story revealing God, what kind of weather and danger is being described in verses 8 through 11? How does this weather resolve in verses 12 and 13? What is Job trying to express in this weather narrative through a God-focused lens?
  7. In verse 12, Job points to God who “stilled the sea.” (ESV) Compare this power with Jesus in Matthew 8:26-27. How do his disciples respond? How does their response help you to worship alongside Job in this storm he’s picturing?
  8. Read Isaiah 30:7. (NLT) What kind of creature is Rahab? How might this kind of creature, also described in Genesis 3:13-14 and Revelation 12:9, elevate this story of God’s power?
  9. In verse 14, all of these astounding powers of God are seen as a “whisper.” (ESV) How well do you know the “whisper” of God’s power? What do you think you could grow to understand more of God’s power?
  10. Consider the end of this passage on God’s wisdom and power. What part of the “thunder” (v. 14, ESV) of God’s power most leaves you in wonder?

Key Words/Phrase

God's power, v. 14.


God, Job, friends.

Strong Verse(s)