Job Chapter 19 Summary
Job's answer to Bildad. His sublime faith.
Discussion Questions for Job, Chapter 19
- How does Job describe his friends’ counsel in verses 2–12? When have you felt similarly after being “counseled” by a friend?
- Do you think you have ever been like Job’s friends? What can we learn from them?
- How does Job describe God’s treatment of him? Describe a time when you felt this way.
- Look at verses 13–20. What is Job trying to communicate here? When have you been abandoned in this way?
- What does Job want of his friends in verses 21–22? What does this teach us about how to respond to the sufferings of others?
- How could Job’s friends have showed him the mercy he asked for?
- Look at verses 23–24. How do you think Job would feel if he knew that his story was recorded for us in Scripture?
- In the Old Testament, a redeemer was someone who provided deliverance and protection for someone who could not do so for themselves. In verses 25–27, is Job looking for a human redeemer or a divine redeemer? How do you know?
- How do verses 25–27 point us forward to Christ? What does the New Testament say about our redemption, and how is this helpful in times of suffering?
- Why is it helpful to know that God will have the last word?
Key Words/Phrase
Hope, v. 27.
God, Job, friends.
Strong Verse(s)
25, 26, 27.