Job Chapter 19 Summary

Job's answer to Bildad. His sublime faith.

Discussion Questions for Job, Chapter 19

  1. How does Job describe his friends’ counsel in verses 2–12? When have you felt similarly after being “counseled” by a friend?
  2. Do you think you have ever been like Job’s friends? What can we learn from them?
  3. How does Job describe God’s treatment of him? Describe a time when you felt this way.
  4. Look at verses 13–20. What is Job trying to communicate here? When have you been abandoned in this way?
  5. What does Job want of his friends in verses 21–22? What does this teach us about how to respond to the sufferings of others?
  6. How could Job’s friends have showed him the mercy he asked for?
  7. Look at verses 23–24. How do you think Job would feel if he knew that his story was recorded for us in Scripture?
  8. In the Old Testament, a redeemer was someone who provided deliverance and protection for someone who could not do so for themselves. In verses 25–27, is Job looking for a human redeemer or a divine redeemer? How do you know?
  9. How do verses 25–27 point us forward to Christ? What does the New Testament say about our redemption, and how is this helpful in times of suffering?
  10. Why is it helpful to know that God will have the last word?

Key Words/Phrase

Hope, v. 27.


God, Job, friends.

Strong Verse(s)

25, 26, 27.