Job Chapter 17 Summary

Job's answer continued. He longs for death.

Discussion Questions for Job, Chapter 17

  1. Who is Job talking to in verses 3–4? How do you know from the text? Why is Job’s request significant?
  2. What does Job’s words reveal about his thoughts regarding his friends? God? Are Job’s feelings justified? Why or why not?
  3. When have you needed God to vindicate you? What was that experience like?
  4. Job’s friends seem to think that it is Job’s responsibility to make things right with God, but Job prays for God to make things right. Why is this significant?
  5. What does it look like for the righteous person to hold to his way (v. 9)? How does this make you stronger?
  6. How does the New Testament say we should respond to suffering? How does your understanding of Christ’s suffering strengthen you in your own suffering?
  7. Where does Job turn to for hope? Does that help him? Do you think Job is looking for hope in the right place? Why or why not?
  8. At the end of chapter 17, Job is once again looking for hope beyond death. What hope do you think Job is looking for?
  9. 1 Peter 1:3–9 speaks of the Christian's “living hope.” Is this passage a good answer to Job's questions in verses 13–17? How is this helpful in times of suffering?
  10. Job seems to go back and forth between despair and hope. When have you experienced the same feelings?

Key Words/Phrase

Darkness, v. 12.



Strong Verse(s)