Job Chapter 16 Summary

Job charges that Eliphaz is but heaping up words.

Discussion Questions for Job, Chapter 16

  1. Why are Job’s friends “miserable comforters” (v. 1, ESV)? When have you been a “miserable comforter” to someone who was suffering?
  2. How does Job describe his experience in verses 6–17? If your friend were speaking this way, how would you respond to him or her?
  3. Job says that he has done no wrong and “prayer is pure” (v. 17, ESV). How does Job know this for sure?
  4. Why is it significant that Job is innocent?
  5. What request does Job make in verse 18? Why is this significant?
  6. Job’s friends aren’t helpful, so where does he look to for help? Does he look to the right place? What are some ways that we look for help in the wrong places?
  7. Have you ever felt abandoned by your friends in your suffering? What was that like?
  8. Job attributes his suffering to God in verses 7–17. Is it helpful to know that God is sovereign over every part of our lives, even our suffering? Why or why not?
  9. Job says in verse 19 that “(his) witness is in heaven, and he who testifies for me is on high” (ESV). What is the significance of this?
  10. How does Job 16:19 compare with Romans 8:34, 1 John 2:1, and Hebrews 7:25?

Key Words/Phrase

Miserable comforters, v. 2.


God, Job, three friends.

Strong Verse(s)

2, 19, 21.