Job Chapter 11 Summary
Zophar's theory of Job's condition. He thinks Job a hypocrite and liar.
Discussion Questions for Job, Chapter 11
- In chapter 11, Job's third friend, Zophar, speaks. What kind of tone does he use in addressing Job? Give examples of verses from this chapter to explain. Can you think of a modern day example of someone you know who is like Zophar? Explain what qualities stand out about this person.
- How does Zophar describe Job’s words in verses 2-3? In your opinion, how does Zophar address his friend? Does he come across as compassionate or inconsiderate? Explain your response.
- Does Zophar accurately summarize what Job has been saying in verse 4? What does he desire that God would say to him in verses 5-6? Can you think of a time when someone confronted you or you had to confront someone else? What was the occasion?
- What does Zophar say about God in verses 6–8? Does he speak rightly about Him in these verses? Why or why not?
- Does Zophar have a correct view of God's justice in verses 10–11? What makes you say this?
- Verse 12 is an interesting verse written in the form of a proverb. What is the point of Zophar’s words to Job in this verse?
- What is Zophar’s counsel to Job in verses 13–15? Do you agree with what he has to say? Why or why not?
- What contrasting words do you see in verses 16–17? What would you say is important about these contrasting words? Explain your answer.
- What does Zophar say is the outcome of repentance in verses 16–19? How might you explain repentance? How are these verses applicable to our lives today?
- How does Zophar describe the result of the wicked in verse 20? How are his words intended to be a warning to Job?
Key Words/Phrase
Liar, mocker, v. 3.
God, Zophar, Job.
Strong Verse(s)
7, 14, 15, 20.