Job Chapter 10 Summary
Job's answer to Bildad continued.
Discussion Questions for Job, Chapter 10
- In chapter 10, Job continues his lament, but he more specifically turns his complaints to God. How do you see this expressed in this chapter? What verses or words stand out?
- In verse 1, Job says, “I loathe my life...” He is in turmoil because he believes that God is just, yet he feels as though he is not being treated justly, causing him to question God. How does Job express his feeling of despair in verses 1-2? Is it wrong to question God? Why or why not? How would you respond to Job if you were part of this conversation?
- Job recognizes that God is in control over all things in verse 3. What does Job ask God in these verses? What is significant about what he asks God? What would you say to God if you were in Job’s position?
- In verses 4-7, Job asks God if He is like a man. Does God see things like man does? Explain your answer. What can we learn about God from these verses?
- Job describes some of the works of God in verses 8–12. What are some of the things that Job points out? Do his words sound like someone who trusts in God? Why or why not?
- What purpose is Job ascribing to God in verse 13? What does Job say that God has done to him in verses 13–17? Do you think that God is treating Job unjustly? Why or why not?
- In verses 18–19, Job asks why God allowed him to be born. Yet even in these questions, Job has a right understanding of God's sovereignty. How is this expressed in Job's words found in verses 18–19? How would you explain the sovereignty of God to someone who is hurting?
- As in some of his previous remarks, Job describes his life on earth in verses 20–21. What exactly does he say? What does he ask of God? What is the meaning of the words Job asks of God?
- What words are repeated in verses 20–22? What is the significance of the repetition in these verses? How is this relevant to our lives today?
- Do you think that it is a good idea for Job to accuse God of injustice as he does in this chapter? Why or why not?
Key Words/Phrase
Complaint, v. 1.
God, Job, Bildad.
Strong Verse(s)