Job Chapter 1 Summary
Job's family and their piety. Satan's challenge and the calamities that befell Job.
Discussion Questions for Job, Chapter 1
- Name the different characteristics that Job is given in this chapter. Discuss what each one means. As a believer, do you exemplify these characteristics, too? In what ways have you done so, and in what ways have you failed to do so?
- Consider the great wealth which Job had at the start of chapter 1. Was this wealth evil or dishonoring to God? How do we know this? What wisdom can be gleaned here by believers with wealth today?
- Job offered sacrifices to God for the sake of his children, who may have “cursed God in their hearts.” What does it mean to “curse God” in one's heart? Can you think of an example of this in life today?
- What might we learn about the nature of God from his interaction with Satan in this chapter? What about the nature and limitations of Satan?
- What was Satan’s reasoning for why Job was faithful to the Lord? Do you think this was true? Why or why not?
- Some may read the interaction between God and Satan and think God was persuaded by Satan to hurt Job. Do you think God was any less sovereign in this moment? What truth from Scripture proves this?
- Think of a time when you, like Job, were tested by God. How did it feel going through the trial? How did it affect your relationship with the Lord? On the other side of it, do you regret going through this trial?
- What was Job’s response upon learning that his possessions and his children had been taken from him? Do you think his response was valid? Why or why not?
- In the midst of great sorrow, Job chose to worship the Lord. Do you believe this in any way lessened his grief? What does it mean to you to bless the Lord in a season of suffering?
- Despite losing almost everything, “Job did not sin or charge God with wrong” (v. 22, ESV). How did Job's reaction differ from the natural inclination of man in the face of unfortunate circumstances? How did Job demonstrate righteousness even in his sorrow?
Key Words/Phrase
Tested, v. 12.
God, Satan, Job.
Strong Verse(s)
8, 21.