Jeremiah Chapter 40 Summary
Jeremiah discharged. The Jews under Gedeliah as Governor, Ishmael's design against Gedeliah.
Discussion Questions for Jeremiah, Chapter 40
- How was it possible for the captain of the guard for the Chaldeans to understand God’s judgment on the Israelites so clearly? What does it mean when we find that God uses pagan nations to do His will? Has God ever used an unbeliever to teach you something?
- What option did Jeremiah choose? Why? (see verses 3–6)
- What was Gedaliah’s role? How and why was he given this role? Do you ever find yourself in a role that was not necessarily your choice?
- What did Johanan warn Gedaliah about? Why did he warn him? How do you determine if you need to warn someone?
- Why were there still armies and captains of armies in the fields after the Babylonians had already taken the captives away? Were these army members in the fields because of their wisdom or because of their cowardice? Should you hide from or confront a bad problem or a powerful adversary?
- Did the captains of the armies and the expatriates from the surrounding countries submit to Gedaliah’s rule? Why or why not?
- Why didn’t Gedaliah believe Johanan’s warning? How should we all react to any serious warning? What might be the consequences for ignoring a serious warning? Have you ever ignored or dismissed a warning? Why or why not? Have you ever heeded a warning? If yes, what was the outcome?
- What did Johanan offer to do? Why? What are some ways we can help someone who is in serious trouble?
- Did the king of the Ammonites have the Jews' best interests at heart? Why or why not? Why is it true that sometimes a stranger or foreigner may use deceptive practices on you?
- What did the remnant that was left in Judah gather in abundance (verses 10-13 NKJV)? Have you ever been in difficult circumstances and yet still enjoyed some great blessings from the Lord? Why is it that in difficulties God's blessings seem to become more clear to us and are often more appreciated? What are some ways in which God has blessed you in good and bad times?
Key Words/Phrase
Jeremiah loosed, v. 4. Remnant of Judah, v. 11.
God, Jeremiah, Nebuzaradan, Gedeliah, Ishmael, Johanan, Seraiah, Jezaniah, Baalis.